RSM College



"A NAAC Accredited Institute"

Agriculture Farm

The agriculture farm and observatory of the college are located on Dhampur, Moradabad road, about 2 km from the Dhampur town. The Dhampur Sugar Mills, one of the largest sugar mills in the country is located just opposite to the agricultural farm.

The strategically located farm measures about 22 hectares and has necessary facilities:

  • Workshed, which houses agricultural implements and staff
  • Cows, buffaloes and oxen
  • Two bore wells for irrigation purpose

Agricultural farm is used by the students and teachers to carry out experiments in agriculture. Students of M Sc (Ag) Agronomy carry out research work in the form of field trial on the farm. This research work is a part of requirement for their Masters Degree in the subject. Efforts are made on the farm to increase crop yield by carrying out experiments through appropriate administration of fertilisers, manures and water. Interested farmers visit the farm to have first hand knowledge of best of agricultural practices. Agriculture extension activities are also carried out from the farm.

Observatory is equipped with necessary weather forecasting instruments. While students learn to do weather forecasting with the observatory, the neighbouring farmers benefit from the weather forecast and plan their agricultural operations accordingly. All the required data are recorded twice a day and proper record is maintained. These data are used to study the effect of weather on the crops under experimentation.

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